BC Muslim Association

Kelowna Masjid Expansion

The Kelowna branch of the BCMA is an active organization for the service of the Muslim community, providing a prayer space, social programs, Daawah, and education to the benefit of children, youth and families. Today, we are embarking on a new project of the expansion of Kelowna Masjid, a place that has accommodated Kelowna’s Muslims since its founding and must now follow the demographic changing of the community.
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Kelowna Masjid Expansion

Kelowna Masjid

Kelowna Masjid is expanding. The local Muslim community is outgrowing it!

You can help out with a donation that will surely go very far. That's a Sadaqah Jariyah that will continue benefiting you for many years.

Let’s build the most beloved of places to Allah!

Your Donation is Tax Deductible

عن أبي هريرة أن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال: (أحب البلاد إلى الله مساجدها) رواه مسلم

ولتعلم أخي المسلم بأن المساهمة بثمن بذرة واحدة أو أكثر في المسجد هى بمثابة صدقة جارية عنك بإذن الله

عن أبي هريرة -رضي الله عنه- أن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال: (إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث: صدقة جارية، أو علم ينتفع به، أو ولد صالح يدعو له) رواه مسلم

اغتنم شهر رمضان الفضيل وقدّم صدقة جارية لنفسك من خلال التبرع لمسجد كلونا  

أنفق وأنت مطمئن

The British Columbia Muslim Association (BCMA) is a non-profit organization oriented to the service of the Muslim community. Its branch in Kelowna is active in the region by providing the local Muslim community a multitude of services enabling them to live their spirituality and integrate in their society through social activities and specific programs catered to the needs of each member of the community.

يمثِّل مسجد السلام (كلونا) مركزا للمجتمع المسلم بالمنطقة، حيث يجتمع المصلون للصلوات اليومية ولصلاة الجمعة والتراويح وصلاة العيدين. كما يوفِّر دورات لتعليم القرآن الكريم والعلوم الإسلامية لفائدة الأطفال والشباب والعديد من برامج الدعوة والأنشطة الاجتماعية

Read more about Kelowna Masjid: Kelowna Masjid Activities

With the growing number of Muslims in the city, which is a great blessing from Allah, the current mosque is no longer sufficient to accommodate all the locals, resulting in some brothers praying outside the Masjid as it is completely full, and many children unable to attend the weekend Islamic courses because of limited spacing.

يأتي مشروع توسيع مسجد كلونا استجابة لتزايد عدد المصلين بفضل الله، فمن خلال إعادة بناء وتهييئ المسجد سيتم الحرص على جعله مكانا يليق بضيوف الرحمن


Thus came the idea of launching the expansion of the mosque.  In 2015, the masjid's administration purchased a house that is adjacent to current building. The goal is to tear down the old structure and rebuild the entire mosque building in an area of 3000-3500 sq ft with a full basement. Part of the adjacent property would be used as additional parking space for the new masjid. The remaining part of the new property will be rented out to members of our community to generate some income for the masjid. Thus, the new mosque will be Insha’Allah able to meet the needs of the 150 Muslim families of Kelowna.



Dear brothers and sisters,

We urge you to donate to help complete this extension project.



عن عثمان بن عفان قال : سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول : "من بنى لله مسجداً بنى الله له مثله في الجنة" .متفق عليه


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