Kanata Muslim Association

Kanata Masjid and Community Centre

The Kanata Muslim Association’s mission is to represent Islam in Ottawa West and to serve the spiritual, educational and social needs of a diverse Muslim community in a professional and caring manner.
Donate with Peace of Mind
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Rise for Rahmah

Vision to Reality

$928,248Amount Collected*
*Amount Collected is comprised of funds collected online and offline.
Target Amount $550,000
Total Amount Collected $559,888
72 Hours of Power! $72,268

Total Online Donations $216,721

Donations from Other Sources

Offline Donations$95328
Daily Donation Campaign (till April 19)$43418
E-transfers to finance@kanatamuslims.ca $58818
PayPal Giving Fund / Tri-Star & Hikmah School Campaigns$42273
Last 10 (7 nights)$58703
External Fundraising $19911
Matching Funds$22000
Other Online$2908
72 Hours of Power! $72,268
Campaign is Closed
Your Donation is Tax Deductible